
We have a burning need for a Better Discourse.

Somewhere along the way, we lost sight of the niceties of communication.  Politics has morphed from sport to blood sport, and ‘winning’ is now considered an accomplishment in and of itself.

It is part of our natural desire as human beings to belong to something important.

It is part of our natural desire as human beings to be a part of something greater.

It is part of our natural desire as human beings to be winners.

What is unnatural is the need to destroy those who disagree with us.  There is no need to belittle.  There is no need to browbeat.  There is no need to dehumanize.

Contributors to this site have been guilty of all of the above at one time or another.  It is human nature.  We, however, feel an important need to throw the spotlight on those who would use techniques of coercion, bullying, and empty rhetoric as a means of bending you to their will.  Ends do not justify means — and when you recognize the techniques being used, you can immunize yourself from the intended effects.

Join us in our quest for a better discourse.  Our country needs it.

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